Adventures 2014
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Deron Working on the Camp wifi at the Mendora Campsite 2014-07-03
2014-07-05 15:56:42

Deron's Giant Short Faced Bear Kill 2014-07-30
2014-07-31 13:21:06

Deron's Selfie Rding with Blake Mickelson Trail Deadwood 2014-07-08
2014-07-10 12:52:11

Deron, Blake & Marna Atlatl Throwing 2014-07-30
2014-07-31 13:19:16

Digging At Mammoth Site 2014-07-3
2014-07-31 13:20:04

Driving Into Big Horns 2014-06-03
2014-06-06 14:04:54

DrivingInBigHorns 2014-06-03
2014-06-06 14:01:14

DrivingTowardsBigHorns 2014-06-03
2014-06-06 13:59:56

Elk Coming Home 2014-09-27
2014-09-27 23:02:52

FossilInSitu 2014-07-01
2014-07-02 10:43:48

Fossils Prairie Tour 2014-07-01
2014-07-02 10:44:45

Full Legal Stop Sturgis Bike Trail 2014-06-29
2014-07-01 12:28:37

GSD Sturgis 2014-08-02
2014-08-09 11:54:39

Harley Davidson Sturgis Sturgis Rally Start 2014-08-02
2014-08-09 11:55:40

Hot Springs Depot 2014-06-24
2014-06-27 12:44:17

Joshua Deron Scott & Kelly 2014-08-10
2014-08-15 14:46:29

Kelly Shooting 1911 2014-08-10
2014-08-15 14:47:35

Lake Near Camp 2014-06-03
2014-06-06 14:27:28

Larry Shooting AR15 2014-08-10
2014-08-15 14:48:19

Looking Down On Lake 2014-06-03
2014-06-06 14:22:25

Maah Daah Hey Trail Sign 2014-07-02
2014-07-05 15:16:33

Marna & Deron Custer Park 2014-06-24
2014-06-27 12:49:14

Marna & Deron Wind Cave Park 2014-06-24
2014-06-27 12:51:08

Marna & Raya Riding the Prairie Tour 2014-07-01
2014-07-02 10:56:28

Marna and Blake Maah Daah Hey Trail 2014-07-02.
2014-07-05 15:17:18

Marna and Blake Riding In Mickelson Trail Deadwood 2014-07-08
2014-07-10 12:55:08

Marna and Blake Sailing Down Hill into Deadwood Mickelson Trail 2014-07-08
2014-07-10 12:55:59

Marna and Deron Leaving Medora Campground 2014-07-04
2014-07-05 15:54:52

Marna and DeronTheodore Roosevelt Nation Park 2014-07-03
2014-07-05 15:18:58

Marna at the Deadwood Mickelson Trailhead 2014-07-08
2014-07-10 12:58:03

Marna Badland Fossil Loop 2014-06-23
2014-06-27 12:52:26

Marna Blake Riding Stugis Bike Trail 2014-06-29
2014-07-01 12:29:20

Marna Climbing To Lead on Mickelson Trail 2014-07-08
2014-07-10 12:56:46

Marna Driving 2014-07-11
2014-07-24 13:28:18

Marna GSDs Stream Side 2014-06-04
2014-06-06 14:41:34

Marna in Distance at Badlands Park 2014-06-23
2014-06-27 12:47:39

Marna Riding In Medora Campground 2014-07-02
2014-07-05 15:19:32

Marna Shooting 44m 2014-08-10
2014-08-15 14:49:05

Marna Shooting At Larrys 2014-08-03
2014-08-06 14:12:57

Marna Shot 44m 2014-08-10
2014-08-15 14:49:45

Marna Wide Open Spaces 2014-07-01
2014-07-02 10:55:36

Marna witrh Theodore Bear just purchased 2014-07-02
2014-07-05 15:20:18

Marna, Theodore Bear and Blake Returning To Camp 2014-07-02
2014-07-05 15:21:11

Marna-Deron-Blake Entering North Dakota 2014-07-02
2014-07-05 15:18:05

MarnaTexasTeaLookingForPinecones 2014-06-03
2014-06-06 14:03:17

Medora Carriage Tour 2014-07-02.
2014-07-05 15:21:48

MeetingUpWithAndersons 2014-06-03
2014-06-06 14:02:22

MeriAntoinette Mammoth Bones 2014-07-30
2014-07-31 13:21:47

Mickelson Trailside Flowers 2014-07-08
2014-07-10 13:00:23

MoreTeodoreRoosevelt Scenery 2014-07-03
2014-07-05 15:26:00

MoreTrailside Rock Cliffs Mickelson Trail2014-07-08
2014-07-10 12:59:36

Our 1911 Builds 2014-08-01
2014-08-09 12:04:02

Picking Out Theodore Bear 2014-07-02
2014-07-05 15:26:43

Post Climb Review 2014-07-25
2014-08-23 18:00:32

Ranch Amusement Raceway 2014-07-11
2014-07-24 13:28:49

Rapid City Bike Riding Blake 2014-07-30
2014-07-31 13:23:05

Raya Marna Blake Prairie Tour 2014-07-01
2014-07-02 10:48:41

River Cliffs Behind Medora Campground 2014-07-02
2014-07-05 15:27:23

Road IntoTen Sleep WY 2014-06-03
2014-06-06 14:13:16

Roadside Moose 2014-06-03
2014-06-06 14:10:17

Roadside Mountain Stream 2014-06-03
2014-06-06 14:08:40

Rock Shop Custer, SD Rock Eggs 2014-07-30
2014-07-31 12:50:51

Shoting At Larry's 2014-08-03
2014-08-06 14:12:14

Sturgis RallyEarly 2014-08-02
2014-08-09 11:58:01

Sturgis BikeTraffic 2014-08-02
2014-08-09 11:58:46

SturgisRallyEarly 2014-08-02
2014-08-09 11:56:58

Suburban our Bikes Badlands 2014-06-23
2014-06-27 12:53:16

Table Full Of Fun 2014-08-10
2014-08-15 14:50:35

Tekoa Camp Patrol 2014-06-04
2014-06-06 14:36:15

Tents Campside 2014-06-04
2014-06-06 14:37:30

Tetreaults 2014-08-10
2014-08-15 14:51:15

The Band 2014-07-04
2014-07-05 15:49:00

The Gang At SOB 2014-08-01
2014-08-09 12:11:55

Theodore NP And USFS Bears 2014-07-30
2014-07-31 12:51:54

Theodore Roosevelt Badlands Overlook 2014-07-03
2014-07-05 15:28:00

Theodore Roosevelt Buffalo Coca Cola Machine 2014-07-03
2014-07-05 15:28:47

Theodore Roosevelt National Park Overlook 2014-07-03
2014-07-05 15:29:27

Theodore Roosevelt National Park Rock 2014-07-03
2014-07-05 15:30:10

Theodore Roosevelt National Park Wild Horse Herd 2014-07-03
2014-07-05 15:30:51

View Behind our site at the Medora Campground 2014-07-04
2014-07-05 15:55:51

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